Monday 20 April 2015

Lifetime Goals

Hey guys,

Just wanted to share with you all that I am about to take on one of my biggest challenges this sunday - running the London Marathon! Yes I know what your thinking.... i'm mad, and yes you would be correct!! 

I have always wanted to do this at some point in my life and having managed to get in this year i had no excuse! There is more method to my madness as I am running for a fantastic charity which lays very close to my heart, this also will hopefully give me that extra push and drive on sunday to get through that pain barrier.

As the weeks have drawn closer, I have continued with my journalling and noticed how proud I have become of myself without even realising it - if you told me last year that I would be able to run 20 miles in training for the London Marathon I would have laughed in your face! But there I am writing it down with a huge grin on my face.

No matter what time I finish on sunday I know I will feel a great sense of achievement. This got me thinking, have any of you had similar experiences where you thought something would be impossible but you made it possible?  Would love to hear about it!

If anyone is around London on Sunday, look out for me!!!!


  1. Hi Stephanie,

    That's amazing good luck I hope you enjoy it! What a fantastic cause, I have donated.

    Lisa x

  2. Wow lisa thank you so so much for your kind donation!
    Was an amazing day and such an atmosphere it will be something that i will never forget!
    Legs are paying for it now though!!!!
