Monday 21 September 2015

Starting again

Hi Everyone!

How are you all feeling about starting back up again! I must admit it will be an adjustment as i have very much enjoyed the summer break! Having said that I will look forward to getting my head down and am excited about module 2!

Over the summer I have looked out for different community dance centres that offer and provide dance for children of all age groups whilst the parents take some time out!
 In my local town of Bournemouth, I found the Pavilion Dance centre is the host of many different workshops and summer schools and work closely within a time scale to put on a performance at the end to showcase what they have learnt. I went along to some with a friend who is taking on a dance teachers role in a local school, and we found it very interesting and hoped to scoop more information from one of the group leaders as to how they started out and what the logistics are of the foundation they run. Unfortunately, at the time all of the leaders seemed busy reuniting children with parents but it has drawn me into the community dance side of things and feel intrigued to find out more.

I would love to hear any of your summer stories and if you found any relation to the BAPP's world whilst enjoying the summer holidays?!

Look forward to catching up with you all again soon!

S x

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