Sunday 10 May 2015

3D Critical questions and issues that emerge

Having read through the reflection section of the course reader which is provided for us, it has helped me begin to write this first paragraph. I have always found reflection a hard subject to elaborate on, however this time I have my blogs to look through and notice regular patterns that have emerged.

When asked to be specific on these patterns I would start with how I am very used to taking about people around me. People around me that have effected my networks to be what they are today. The sources of my information have mainly all come from the use of the internet which doesn't come at much of a surprise to many. The internet has a knowledge that no human could ever retain or deliver, I guess that's why is exists. Using it on a regular basis is not a bad thing, but on reflection I think I could try harder to find alternatives to the internet.
The engagement that I have on the course I would admit seems slightly limited solely down to my working schedule which I have well documented in my blogs. I know that the course is doable because I have friends who have completed it with similar work commitments as myself. Don't get me wrong, i would love to have 2-3 days a week where I could just focus on the BAPP's and nothing else but those 2-3 day have been reduced to about 2-3 hours a night. I have planned my own schedule well in that I will make sure I do all my background reading first and take notes as I go, ready to blog that night. I feel that looking ahead I may need to take some time off work to concentrate on this chapter of my studying life as I do feel great disappointment that I have not been able to make any of the Skype sessions or campus meetings. I hope that this will not affect me in any way but it certainly makes me more determined to get my blogging up to date and keep my mind focused on all the tasks.

A good friend of mine completed this exact course a couple of years ago and occasionally texts me to remind me of any help that she may assist with, she would be more than happy to give me. It is very comforting to have that extra external support however I am yet to take her up on the offer, not for any other reason but just to have the satisfaction that I can do it myself. I am sure when I next see her it will be topic of conversation but sharing my ideas with someone who has been through the same experience will be motivating for me to keep going and not get dragged behind due to work commitments. Helping out/volunteering for the dance students has allowed me to apply some of the theories which we have discussed into my own professional practice. It has been extremely helpful speaking to my old teachers about the course and what the latest subjects are. They have a broader knowledge on the teaching side of things and that information to me is invaluable because I know that they have been successful so it encourages me to gage more from them. I have spoken with my teachers about the concerns that I have discussed and they have only offered me support when it is needed and nothing else. They have suggested that I take a few weeks off from the school so that I can go home and get the work completed without feeling exhausted the next day.
I have used my blog to catch up on any discussions that I may have missed this way I am connecting with my fellow students, some who have expressed the same concerns as me. This has been helpful along with the Facebook group which i have recently joined too. A way of social networking that has brought our thoughts and ideas together has been a great help and seems to have eased my stress levels!

Having shared ideas with all my networks, it does allow me to think slightly differently and having mentioned the time off from the school that I am going to have, I feel more organised in what I have to complete. Having started the course slightly later than the majority I feel I still want to be ready before the deadline. This requires organisation and only I can be the one to do that. Having the help and support from the tutors has been amazing, really couldn't get through it without them! 

Having the reflection be apart of this module is important to me because I can be critical of my own work and not feel disheartened by it. I think being in the dance industry and being turned down time after time at audition stages you begin to doubt yourself, but this is a totally new spin on it and it helps me progress for the future modules which is what will overall help me to success. Not only in my student days should reflection be important, I think it is valuable for all professionals to do it. It outlines areas that need improvement and other areas which you can be proud of. For me, looking back I want to start blogging more than I normally have been doing. Not just focusing on the tasks that the course sets us but maybe on the news or issues that I find interesting. I love to engage other peoples thoughts and there no better way of doing that but through blogging - told you i had fallen in love with it!

The theories and concepts that have been provides during the whole module so far have been assisting my thinking in different ways. It has allowed me to use the research and extra reading tools provided to back my ideas and thoughts up through my blogs. I have never realised how networking is within everyones life. For example I know it is because after reading the reader I understood it in a different way. I would have just been writing about how I have lots of friend and family from all walks of my life. Not linking it with the concept of networking. This has purpose to me as it has broaden my knowledge and I love to learn, especially when its subjects which you are familiar with but not even knowing it... if that makes sense?! It has definitely left me thinking slightly differently and this is because I have a range of activities that I perform on a weekly basis. This is involves coming into contact with different people all the time and I have noticed how I act around them. For example, being the teacher in my fitness classes I am in control and have the knowledge, being a volunteer at the school is a completely different dynamic and I do communicate and affiliate differently. I have thought about all the subjects covered and translated it into my professional life and practice which has been a real eye opener.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie yes agree that principles that can abstract - the theories r ideas that come into our work - allow for that evaluation or analysis at the end of the day - they allow us to compare what we do with others - good you have friend to help - good to network as you explore within the cours
