Monday 9 March 2015

Task 1D - 2D Images

A picture paints a thousand words....

As a part of task 1D I have made a Flickr account of pictures which I would love to share with you all. 
Working on the cruise ships created so many memories and I have mentioned it before but I do love a good picture! My house is full of them as I just believe they are forever lasting memories captured which is so special.

I have created an album full of various moments in my life which are special to me, starting from my professional dancing days, cycling from John o groats to lands end, completing my first half marathon and my wedding day!

I was interested into logging into Flickr as I had actually never heard of it before. Its again very addictive and another time consumer! Instagram has completed exploded world wide and what I think people love about it is the way that its simple to use. I also think its security is great as starts as it means to go on - by this I mean you can make your profile private from the get go, unlike Facebook where it took me ages to discover all the options of privacy. Only friends can see or friends of friends can see.... got me very confused so I think I actually use Instagram more as in a weird way I feel more safe using it. This could be because at the time Facebook started everyone wanted to be friends with everyone and as time goes on you suddenly realise that you have 'friends' on there who you haven't spoken to in years. Also I feel that Instagram only has one purpose and that is to simply post and share pictures, not only friends you can follow but businesses and celebrities (who amazingly are not private accounts so you can be nosey on there lives too!)

As soon as I've seen a album uploaded on Facebook of friends recent holiday I most definitely have a browse as I find that sort of thing interesting and a way of keeping up to date with every ones busy lives! For me its better than reading a long soppy status update's which half the time don't even make sense! With a social media platform such as Facebook I feel there can be many implications for posting pictures as without the right security it has been known that hacking can take an effect and what you think is being uploaded for all your friends to see, others may be getting access to. Obviously the security on this is a lot better than it used to be as now they have the ability to block and report people which I think is a great addition.

In regards to 'the importance' of this social media idea, I think that the more you can share, the more your promoting - for example M&S Instagram will be uploaded the newest range of clothes, or the new dessert you have to try. Its about the consumer knowledge and the more they can see the more they will know! It co-insides with the 'Hashtag' which I believe originated from Twitter. Although my friends and I used to laugh at how annoying it is when someone posts a picture with a thousand hash tags next to it (not always necessary) it can lead you into related thoughts from others who have a public viewing on their page. 

Visual tools on social media I believe is very important as it backs up expressive thoughts through a way everyone can understand and can not be misinterpreted easily. I love it and will continue to use it as my favourite type of social media communication.

I will look forward to seeing all of your images on your blogs too! 


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